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Academic Achievement


Advanced classes/honors project

Students at Lee Middle School who desire an additional challenge in their academic classes and who meet certain criteria are enrolled in advanced classes.  Advanced classes are offered in Language Arts and Math.  In addition, seventh and eighth grade students may participate in the Honors Project program where students are encouraged to explore learning on their own.  Students who successfully complete Honors Projects will be recognized at the awards assembly.  



Students are required to write homework in their planner/handbook daily.  This is a good place for parents to check nightly.  If more information is needed, parents can use the following options to communicate with school staff.

  • Homework may be requested if students are absent from school for more than three days.  Call 406-7354 and make a homework request with the attendance clerk.  The assignments will be ready to be picked up after 3:00 p.m. the following day.
  • Lee Middle School staff may be contacted by using their e-mail.  All addresses are first name.last name (i.e. Kathleen Leehane can be reached at
  • Information on student grades and performance can be found using the Aeries Parent Portal.  
Promotion and Retention

Pupils who satisfactorily complete the course of study, as required by the governing School Board, and whose work is satisfactory in relation to the pupil’s ability, shall be promoted. Please see the WJUSD Parent Handbook for information about retention.  A student may be promoted to the ninth grade, but due to certain circumstances, may not be allowed to participate in the Promotion Ceremony. The 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony is a privilege, not a right. Students who engage in activities that result in an expulsion recommendation with no disposition by year-end, in a suspension that encompasses promotion day will be excluded from the ceremony.  Students who have accrued more than 5 days of suspension during the 2nd semester of the school year may be excluded from this ceremony.  Failing grades may also keep students from participating in promotion (please see page 28for details).




In an effort to provide additional feedback to students, Lee has a six- week grading sequence at all grade levels. All students will receive a progress report every six weeks throughout the year.  These progress reports are given to the students to take home. It is your child’s responsibility to bring progress reports home. Only semester grades are a part of the student’s permanent record. The progress reports are NOT averaged together to arrive at a semester grade, but are merely indications of student progress. Semester grades will be the ones that appear on the official transcript.  Permanent semester grades are given in January and June. If parents would like an extra copy of their child’s progress/report card, please contact Nicole Vega in the office. 



Homework Club is offered Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afterschool from 3:30-5:00. This voluntary program is geared to serve students who need a place to complete homework or additional support. Respect for the school and classroom rules must be followed to assure student success.