General Information
Policies, Procedures, and Expectations
Students who cheat, plagiarize (to steal and pass off the ideas, work, or words of another as one’s own), or use forgery in connection with academics or school procedures are subject to disciplinary action.
Students at Lee Middle School who desire an additional challenge in their academic classes and who meet certain criteria are enrolled in advanced classes. Advanced classes are offered in Language Arts and Math. In addition, seventh and eighth grade students may participate in the Honors Project program where students are encouraged to explore learning on their own. Students who successfully complete Honors Projects will be recognized at the awards assembly.
All wheeled forms of manual transportation may be ridden to and from school by students with the understanding they be operated in a safe manner. In general, a bike rider is to obey the laws that pertain to motor vehicles. This includes, but is not limited to, riding “with traffic,” stopping at stop signs, signal lights, and crossing roadways at designated intersections. Students must walk/carry all wheeled items while on the Lee campus, including the sidewalk in front of the school. Bikes must be stored in the locked bike racks and all other modes of transportation must be stored in a classroom for the entire school day. Skateboards and Scooters must be stored in the office or classroom during school hours. If you have an after school activity, leave your locked bike in the bike rack area until you are ready to leave school. Take your bike home each night. The school is not responsible for stolen or damaged bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, or skates. Riders must wear a helmet (State Law). Students that abuse this policy may have their wheels taken away for a period of time, up to the rest of the year.
CAMPUS ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE - California Education Code Requirement
Students must stay on campus once they arrive and stay in the MPR or snack area until the first period bell. Students may only leave campus with an off-campus permit approved by parents and the school. To ensure the safety of our students and drivers and to improve the flow of traffic when parents drive on campus, they must use the student drop-off/pick-up zone (near the bike rack). Campus opens at 7:30 am. Please arrive after this time. If students fail to follow the Wildcat Way before school, parents will be asked to drop off their child at 8:25 am. For your child’s safety, students may not walk home or to appointments during school hours. Please make arrangements for someone (who is on the emergency card) to pick up your student. All students should be off campus by 3:45 pm, unless they are attending a school sanctioned event (i.e. Homework Club, teacher appointment, sports, or clubs).
It is important that the Attendance Office is notified if you change your address, phone number, or emergency contact information. This becomes especially important if we need to contact a parent or guardian during an emergency. Proof of residency (PG&E bill) must be brought into the office to change an address.
Parents are welcome to visit classes during the school day. They must check in at the office upon arrival and receive a visitor badge. However, teachers will not be available to discuss individual student progress during instructional time. If a parent interrupts instruction for any reason, he/she may be asked to leave the classroom. This is done to ensure uninterrupted instructional time, which is one of our school’s greatest resources and to make sure that we can give parents our undivided attention when discussing academic achievement. Notification or requests ahead of time are helpful and appreciated. Appointments are required in order to meet one-on-one with a teacher. Appointments can be made through the individual teacher by phone or email.
We are pleased to offer students access to the district technology equipment, network resources, electronic mail and the internet. Parents please review the document WJUSD Secondary Student Technology Use Agreement for more information.
Secondary Student Guidelines for Responsible Network and Internet Use
The activities listed below are not permitted:
- Using the network for any illegal activity, including violation of copyright or other contracts
- Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures
- Using obscene language
- Posting anonymous messages
- Posting a likeness of another person without permission
- Placing unlawful information on a system
- Accessing knowingly objectionable material, such as pornography
- Giving personal information, without permission from teacher and parent or guardian
- Harassing, insulting or attacking others
- Damaging or modifying computers, computer systems, or computer networks
- Attempting to bypass the district filter
- Using others’ passwords, with or without permission
- Trespassing in others’ folders, work or files
- Intentionally wasting limited resources
- Employing the network for commercial purposes, financial gain, or fraud
Violation may result in a loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action (Board Policy 5000: Student Rights and Responsibilities).
Any items dropped off at school will be held in the office and will be available to pick up at the Student Store or Attendance Office. If a child brings gifts (balloons, etc.) on campus or are given by a friend on campus, the items must be placed in the office until the end of the day.
The use of alcohol, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other drugs adversely affects a student’s ability to achieve academic success, is physically and emotionally harmful, and has serious legal and social consequences. Therefore, all schools and district facilities are alcohol, tobacco, and drug free sites at all times and for all ages.
All electronics are to be turned off/silent during the school day. Electronics may only be used after school (that includes text messaging, using the Internet, etc.). Cell phones may only be used during the school day to call 911 in an emergency, or if use is approved by a staff member. Head phones/ear buds can be used in the classroom for instructional purposes with approval from the instructor, head phones/ear buds should be put away, not visible, any other time. If any electronics are confiscated, they are to be picked up in the office after school. If a student habitually violates this policy, the electronics may be taken away for multiple days and will need to be picked up by a parent/guardian. Lee Middle School is not responsible for any electronic devices that are lost, stolen, or damaged.
All fees must be paid by the end of the year deadlines in order to participate in end of the year activities. These fees might include textbooks, library books, PE locks, pictures, planner, cafeteria, and transportation fees.
Gum is not allowed on the Lee campus. Food and drinks (except water) are only allowed in the cafeteria and the outer courtyard unless with special permission or for special events. Consequences will be assigned if a violation occurs. Outside food and drinks (Dutch Bros, Starbucks, fast food, etc.) must be consumed before entering class. These items may be confiscated and thrown away.
Student may not sell any items on campus that are not officially for school-sponsored activities or fundraisers. The Associated Student Body (ASB) and the principal or vice principal must approve all fundraisers.
Identification cards are required for all students. Students will be given an ID card with a personal ID number about 2-3 weeks after picture day. These cards provide a quick and positive method of entrance to dances and other school events, purchasing event tickets, and for identification. Only one card will be issued for free. Duplicate cards are available from the Student Store for $5 each. An ASB sticker ($12) may be purchased which includes free admission to all gym athletic games and all dances.
Short term independent study is offered to students who will be out of school for a minimum of five days and a yearly maximum of twenty days. Parents are required to contact the Registrar to schedule an appointment with an administrator two weeks prior to the student leaving to sign an independent study contract. Since this is a legal document, the dates listed must be exact and the student must return on the due date or lose all attendance credit. The Registrar will contact the teachers and collect the work for the student. It will be ready for pick up after school on the student’s last day before leaving on independent study. Please remember, that it is very important to have your student in school as much as possible since no amount or type of independent work can replace classroom instruction.
The library is open before school and during lunch most days of the week. Students may use the library during class time with a pass from their teacher, if space is available. Most books may be checked out for a two-week period. Reference materials may be used in the library only. Overdue notices will be issued when library materials have not been returned on time. Repair fees will be charged for books returned with damage or graffiti. Students will be charged the replacement cost of any time lost or damaged beyond repair. The computer lab is for school assignments and research only during class time. Any work must be saved onto the G drive under the student’s name. Only school-owned software may be used in the lab. The Internet may only be used under direct adult supervision and in accordance with the district acceptable use policy. Students must have their planner pass when sent to the library. While in the library, students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner or they will lose the privilege of going to the library.
Textbooks and Chromebooks are issued in the library. Students are responsible for the materials issued to them. Materials are to be returned in the condition in which they were received. Repair fees will be charged for materials returned with damage or graffiti. Replacement fees will be charged for materials lost or damaged beyond repair. At the end of the year, text books and Chromebooks are to be returned to the library, not to the teacher.
All students will be issued a combination lock and a locker. The student will be responsible for the lock as well as the contents of the locker for the entire school year. A replacement lock may be purchased. Following are some important guidelines:
- Always lock your padlock, even when the locker is empty, and check to ensure that it is securely closed at all times.
- If the lock is missing, see the teacher.
- Do not bring locks from home.
- Guard your combination when using your lock and do not share your combination with anyone. Friends change, your combination doesn’t!
- Do not share your locker space with anyone
- Valuables should be left at home.
- No horseplay or running.
- Items that are not allowed in the locker room include gum, candy, food, drinks, glass containers, or aerosol sprays.
The school is not responsible for stolen items. Enter the locker room only with permission.
Regular gym uniforms ($25.00) must be worn at all times by Lee students during PE classes. Students may only wear uniforms and no street clothing may be worn under PE clothes. Uniforms must be neat, clean, and marked properly with the student’s name (this will be done by the teacher and no other writing is allowed on the PE clothes). If students write on clothes, they will be required to purchase a new set within one week. Uniforms will be sold through the PE Department. Students must provide their own tennis shoes with laces. When the weather turns cold, students may wear navy, gray, or white sweatpants or sweatshirts (no zippers allowed). All students will participate in class unless physically unable to do so. Any student who is excused from physical activity must bring a note from parent/guardian or doctor, and the student must still dress in PE clothes. If a student needs to be excused for more than three days, a verification note from a medical doctor is necessary. If a student is excused form PE, he/she may not participate in after school sports (tryouts or practice).
Lee is a closed campus during lunch. Students must eat in the cafeteria and snack bar areas. After eating, they may stay in the cafeteria/snack bar areas or go to the blacktop or athletic fields. To visit a classroom, a hall pass is required. The school cafeteria provides a wide variety of food. A full hot lunch ($3.00) is available, as well as snack and lunch items at the snack bar. Lunches may be paid for on a weekly or monthly basis by contacting the cafeteria staff at 406-7365. The Food Services Department is now offering parents ability to access their student’s school meal account through EZSchoolPay. This is an online service that allows parents the ability to make credit/debit card prepayment funds on their student’s account (there is a $3.00 charge per transaction), view student’s activity for the last 30 days, view account balances, and receive low balance notifications. The online payment webpage link is:
It is important to remember to show courtesy and consideration for our school neighbors. Each student will be held accountable for his or her actions (littering, loitering, or vandalism) in the school neighborhood.
The hall pass pages are located in this planner/handbook. All students are expected to have a signed planner/handbook in hand, open to the appropriate signed pass, while in the following situations:
- Before school – to go to the library or classroom. Students should be in permitted areas.
- During class – to be out of the classroom
- During lunch – to go to the library, classroom, or office. Students should be in permitted areas.
Students may be asked to show hall pass pages at any time at the request of a school employee
Pupils who satisfactorily complete the course of study, as required by the governing School Board, and whose work is satisfactory in relation to the pupil’s ability, shall be promoted. Please see the WJUSD Parent Handbook for information about retention. A student may be promoted to the ninth grade, but due to certain circumstances, may not be allowed to participate in the Promotion Ceremony. The 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony is a privilege, not a right.
- 8th grade students who accumulate 3 or more “F’s” in any of their classes during both the first semester (third grading period) and fifth grading period combined, will not be eligible to participate in the promotion ceremony at the end of the school year.
- Students with 3 or more “F’s” during the first semester - Students that are not eligible at the first semester, due to accumulating 3 or more “F’s” during the first semester will be placed in an Academic Agreement and be monitored by a counselor every grading period.*
- Students at-risk due to having one or more “D’s” or “F’s” during the first semester - A parent notification letter will be mailed for students that are at-risk after the first semester. We encourage to check with your child’s counselor after each grading period, in addition to communicating with the teachers and checking the grading portal.
- Students who have accrued more than 5 days of suspension during the 2nd semester of the school year may be excluded from this ceremony.
- Students who engage in activities that result in an expulsion recommendation with no disposition by year-end, or in a suspension that encompasses promotion day will be excluded from the ceremony.
*The ceremony could be reinstated by fulfilling the Academic Agreement.
In an effort to provide additional feedback to students, Lee has a six- week grading sequence at all grade levels. All students will receive a progress report every six weeks throughout the year. These progress reports are given to the students to take home. It is your child’s responsibility to bring progress reports home. Only semester grades are a part of the student’s permanent record. The progress reports are NOT averaged together to arrive at a semester grade, but are merely indications of student progress. Semester grades will be the ones that appear on the official transcript. Permanent semester grades are given in January and June. If parents would like an extra copy of their child’s progress/report card, please contact Nicole Vega in the office.
The Student Store is open and available at lunch and after school for the following services:
- Using Wildcat Way tickets and/or cash to purchase school supplies
- Using Wildcat Way tickets for prizes, advertised activities, etc.
- Lost and found items
- Delivery pick-up
- Payment of a student bill
- Athletic forms
Students will not be called out of class to receive phone messages. If parents need to speak to their children during the day, they must come to school. Students are expected to keep their cell phones off/silent during school hours. Only emergency phone messages will be accepted and delivered to a student.
Work permits are issued by the counselor. Students must be 14 years or older to obtain an application. Students can be denied a work permit for excessive absences, behavioral problems, and/or a 2.0 GPA is not maintained. Students requesting a work permit must be enrolled at Lee Middle School. Work permits can be revoked if student’s GPA falls below a 2.0 or behavior or attendance issues arise. Work permits are issued at the school’s discretion. The permit will be issued after the student has received an offer of employment.
Level 2 – Chat room use, hacking (single computer), two or more Level 1 violations
Level 3 – Pornography, destruction or vandalism of computer equipment, threats or harassment, hacking (Internet/Network)
Any items dropped off at school will NOT be delivered to students during class. Items will be available to pick up at the Student Store or Attendance Office. If a child brings gifts (balloons, etc.) on campus or are given by a friend on campus, the items must be placed in the office until the end of the day.
The use of alcohol, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other drugs adversely affects a student’s ability to achieve academic success, is physically and emotionally harmful, and has serious legal and social consequences. Therefore, all schools and district facilities are alcohol, tobacco, and drug free sites at all times and for all ages.
All fees must be paid by the end of the year deadlines in order to participate in end of the year activities. These fees might include textbooks, library books, PE locks ($8.00), pictures, planner, cafeteria, and transportation fees.
Field trips may require a certain G.P.A. or behavioral standard to attend. If money has been paid and student is unable to attend, every effort will be made to get a refund, but it may not be possible.
Gum is not allowed on the Lee campus. Food and drinks (except water) are only allowed in the cafeteria and the outer courtyard unless with special permission or for special events. Consequences will be assigned if a violation occurs.
Students may not sell any items on campus that are not officially for school-sponsored activities or fundraisers. The Associated Student Body (ASB) and the principal or vice principal must approve all fundraisers.
Identification cards are required for all students. Students will be given an ID card with a personal ID number about 2-3 weeks after picture day. These cards provide a quick and positive method of entrance to dances and other school events, checking out text and library books, purchasing event tickets, and for identification. Only one card will be issued for free. Duplicate cards are available from the Student Store for $3.00 each. An ASB sticker may be purchased (gets students discounts for student activities, yearbook, etc.).
Short term independent study is offered to students who will be out of school for a minimum of five days and a yearly maximum of twenty days. Parents are required to contact the Registrar one week prior to the student leaving to sign an independent study contract. Since this is a legal document, the dates listed must be exact and the student must return on the due date or lose all attendance credit. The Registrar will contact the teachers and collect the work for the student. It will be ready for pick up after school on the student’s last day before leaving on independent study. Please remember, that it is very important to have your student in school as much as possible since no amount or type of independent work can replace classroom instruction.
The library is open before school and after school most days of the week. Students may use the library during class time with a pass from their teacher if space is available. Most books may be checked out for a two-week period. Reference materials may be used in the library only. Overdue notices will be issued when library materials have not been returned on time. Repair fees will be charged for books returned with damage or graffiti. Students will be charged the replacement cost of any time lost or damaged beyond repair. A copy machine (10 cents per page) is available for student use. The computer lab is for school assignments and research only. There are no games allowed. Any work must be saved onto the G drive under the student’s name. Only school-owned software may be used in the lab. The Internet may only be used under direct adult supervision and in accordance with the district acceptable use policy. Students must have their planner pass when sent to the library. While in the library, students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner or they will lose the privilege of going to the library.
All students will be issued a combination lock and a locker. The student will be responsible for the lock as well as the contents of the locker for the entire school year. A replacement lock is $8.00. Following are some important guidelines:
- Always lock your padlock, even when the locker is empty, and check to ensure that it is securely closed at all times.
- If the lock is missing, see the teacher.
- Do not bring locks from home.
- Guard your combination when using your lock and do not share your combination with anyone. Friends change, your combination doesn’t!
- Do not share your locker space with anyone
- Valuables should not be brought to school.
- No horseplay or running.
- Items that are not allowed in the locker room include gum, candy, food, drinks, glass containers, or aerosol sprays.
Lee is a closed campus during lunch. Students must eat, while sitting down, in the cafeteria and snack bar areas. After eating, they may stay in the cafeteria/snack bar areas or go to the blacktop or athletic fields. To visit a classroom, a hall pass is required (no food is allowed unless given permission by teacher). The school cafeteria provides a wide variety of food. A full hot lunch ($3.00) is available as well as snack and lunch items at the snack bar. Lunches may be paid for on a weekly or monthly basis by contacting the cafeteria staff at 406-7365. The Food Services Department is now offering parents ability to access their student’s school meal account through EZSchoolPay. This is an online service that allows parents the ability to make credit/debit card prepayment funds on their student’s account (there is a $3.00 charge per transaction), view student’s activity for the last 30 days, view account balances, and receive low balance notifications. The online payment webpage link is:
before school
- blacktop, hallways, inner courtyard, locker rooms, football field, soccer field, ropes course
- locker rooms, football field bleachers, hallways, inner courtyard, rope course elements
Parents are partners in the learning process. Parents are strongly encouraged to be actively involved. Following are some suggestions for how parents can participate:
- Ensure your child to attend school on a regular basis.
- Talk with your child about what they are learning in school and ensure that homework is completed and turned in on time. Check your student’s planner nightly.
- Involve your child in reading by reading to him/her, having him/her read to you, or discuss what you are reading.
- Encourage your child to participate in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities.
- Monitor and regulate the television your child watches and your child’s participation on social media sites like Instagram and Facebook
- Work with your child at home on learning activities that extend classroom learning.
- Become familiar with the California State Standards for your child’s grade level. Work with your child to practice skills they have not yet mastered.
- Attend parent conferences and school-sponsored events.
- Participate in parent or decision-making groups at your child’s school such as the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), Boosters, and Site Council.
- Participate in Parents on Campus (lunch supervision).
- Register for School Loop from our website Many teachers post grades and homework on the web site. This site is an excellent way to communicate with the teachers.
The hall pass page is located in this planner/handbook. All students are expected to have the planner/handbook when leaving the classroom during scheduled class time or when leaving the office. Students may be asked to show hall pass pages at any time at the request of a school employee. The hall pass may not be torn out of the planner to use separately. If student is in PE uniform, a lanyard given to them by teacher must be worn.
Regular gym uniforms ($25.00) must be worn at all times by Lee students during PE classes. Students may only wear uniforms and no street clothing may be worn under PE clothes. Uniforms must be neat, clean, and marked properly with the student’s name (this will be done by the teacher and no other writing is allowing on the PE clothes). If students write on clothes, they will be required to purchase a new set within one week. Uniforms will be sold through the PE Department. Students must provide their own tennis shoes with laces. When the weather turns cold, students may wear navy, gray, or white sweatpants or sweatshirts (no zippers allowed). All students will participate in class unless physically unable to do so. Any student who is excused from physical activity must bring a note from parent/guardian or doctor, and the student must still dress in PE clothes. If a student needs to be excused for more than three days, a verification note from a medical doctor is necessary. If a student is excused form PE, he/she may not participate in after school sports (tryouts or practice).
All Lee students need to come to school equipped with a backpack, binder, ruled paper, two pencils, and one pen. This is the minimum necessary materials all students will need to be successful at Lee. Student backpacks should be free of designs or writing on the outside. Backpacks will be confiscated if found with designs or writing. Each student will be provided with a set of textbooks to keep at home for doing homework. Failure to come to school ready to learn will result in disciplinary consequences.
The Student Store is open and available at lunch and after school for the following services:
- Purchasing school supplies
- Lost and found items
- Delivery pick-up
- Payment of a student bill
- Athletic forms
- Using Wildcat tickets for prize
Please do not come to school before 7:30 am. Supervision is provided in the morning beginning at 7:30 am. All students must report to the multi-purpose room/cafeteria upon arrival and stay there until their first class begins. If students fail to follow the Wildcat Way before school, parents will be asked to drop off their student at 8:45 am. General supervision is provided after school for approximately 15 minutes. Unless students are participating in an activity or are under the supervision of a staff member, they are to go directly home after school.
Students will not be called out of class to receive phone messages. If parents need to speak to their children during the day, they must come to school. Only emergency phone messages will be accepted and delivered to a student.
Textbooks are issued in the library. Students are responsible for the textbooks issued to them. Books are to be returned in the condition in which they were received. Repair fees will be charged for books returned with damage or graffiti. Replacement fees will be charged for books lost or damaged beyond repair. At the end of the year, books are to be returned to the library, not to the teacher.
To assist the school in maintaining a safe environment, all visitors to the school must check into the office during operating hours. Visitors will be issued a name badge. Students may not have friends visit the school for the day. If possible, parents and guardians should schedule meetings with staff and administration in advance. Former students must have prior approval from administration and a classroom teacher to visit during the school day.
If students move or change schools, they will be expected to bring a note from their parent/guardian requesting a drop and giving the new address. Parents may also do this in person. Be sure to request a withdrawal at least one day in advance because the following will need to be completed:
- Return library books and textbooks
- Pay for any debts
- Sign out of classes
- Return PE lock
Work permits are issued by the counselor. Students must be 14 years or older to obtain an application. Students can be denied a work permit for excessive absences, behavioral problems, and/or a 2.0 GPA is not maintained. Work permits are not issued to expelled students. Students requesting a work permit must be enrolled at Lee Middle School. Work permits can be revoked if students GPA falls below a 2.0 or behavior or attendance issues arise. Work permits are issued at the school’s discretion. The permit will be issued after the student has received an offer of employment.