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Health / Social Services



Mental Health Crisis Lines - The following groups offer confidential support to teens in crisis:

Allied Services for Kids (Teen Crisis Line)……………………………………………………………......668-8445

Suicide Prevention………………………………………………………………………………………….666-7778

Access to Medical Care and Counseling Family Resource Center        ………………………………………   406-7221

Youth Crisis Hotline,………………………………………………………………….1-800-843-5200

National Child Abuse Hotline………………………………………………………………………1-800-422-4453



Our counselor(s) work closely with students, parents, and staff with the goal of maximizing the opportunities for success for all of Lee’s students.  The staff may meet with students individually or provide support to students in the form of group counseling.  Students learn coping skills in dealing with bereavement, divorce, conflict/anger, peer relationships, social skills, study skills, etc.  The counselors are available on a drop-in basis for students with immediate problems.  Parents and/or students may complete a Request for Assistance for any academic, behavior, social, or emotional need.  Forms are located in the office and school website. Community counseling services on campus may also be available.  This may include counseling for conflict/anger management, gang involvement, drugs/tobacco/alcohol, or personal issues. 



Please complete and turn these in as soon as possible.  Health conditions marked on the card will be shared with appropriate staff.  If you do not want this information on the health list, please notify the school nurse.  Please keep health information and emergency contacts current.  Sick or injured students are released only to parents or people listed as emergency contacts on the Emergency Card. 



The state requires that vision, hearing, and scoliosis testing be done at the middle school level.

  • 7th grade girls = scoliosis test
  • 8th grade boys = scoliosis test
  • 8th graders = hearing and vision test

Medical referrals will be given as needed. If financial assistance is needed for vision exams or glasses, contact the school nurse to access community resources.



Students, if an illness or injury occurs after you arrive at school, you should report to your teacher, and then to the school nurse or attendance office.  Your parent may be called while you are in the office. Students, if you are infected with any contagious disease, you may not come to school.  It will be up to the school nurse, your doctor, and your parents/guardians to determine when you may return to school.



If a student has an appointment or needs to be excused during the school day, a note needs to be taken to the attendance office before school from a parent or guardian explaining the reason for the request.  The student will then be given an off-campus pass.  For the child’s safety, it is district policy that students may not walk home or to appointments during school hours.  Please make arrangements for someone (who is on emergency card) to pick up your student.



Please administer medication before or after school hours if at all possible.  When this is not possible, a signed release form from the parent and the doctor must be on file at the school by California law (forms are available from the school nurse).  All medication must be kept in the office in their original containers.  The school does not supply any medication, including aspirin or cough drops, for students.  Students may carry inhalers and epi-pens with a consent form signed by the parent and doctor.  Do not leave an inhaler or epi-pen at home.  See the nurse to get the forms that must be signed.  Any other medication must be kept in the nurse’s office with a consent signed by the doctor and parent.  Parents must bring the medication to school as the school does not provide it.  This includes Tylenol, Advil, aspirin, cough medicine, etc.  Students may not carry medication on them or provide any medication to other students.